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Preschool Story Time - Tabb

Event Type: Summer Reading Program
Age Group(s): Ages 2 1/2 - 5
Date: 7/26/2017
Start Time: 10:30 AM
End Time: 11:15 AM
 Preschool Story Time features stories and activities based on the Reading By Design Summer Reading Program. Registration is not required. Preschoolers will be admitted to each session on a first-come, first served basis until session capacity is reached. Weekly themes are:

Week 1: Construction
Week 2: Cooking
Week 3: Shapes
Week 4: Animal Homes
Week 5: Art/Artists
Week 6: Robots

Library: Tabb Library    Map
Location: Tabb Meeting Room
Contact: Youth Services Staff
Contact Number: 757-890-5110
Link: York County Public Library