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*Postponed* The View Through My Lens

Event Type: Adult Program
Age Group(s): Adult, Teen
Date: 9/23/2023
Start Time: 2:00 PM
End Time: 3:00 PM
 *This program is not being held on September 23 due to weather events. The online calendar will be updated when we finalize a new date. Thank you for your patience!*

Wildlife and Nature Photographer Rick Hopson will share his experiences with nature and wildlife photography plus offer tips for aspiring digital photographers. Registration not required--intended audience: adults and teens. Questions? Call 757-890-5207 or email

Speaker Bio: I began my photography adventure back in 1960 when I convinced my father to purchase me a used camera; it was a Yashica A –a twin lens reflex. I photographed flowers, insects, animals, stones, grass, and anything of interest at the time for the sake of clicking the shutter. My first formal or informal education of photography was in my school library where I learned about exposure, laws of reciprocity, and all the good stuff. I soon ventured into processing my own film and making prints, black and white of course. My father built me a small darkroom in my bedroom that I shared with my brother. There I could see the fruits of my accrual shutter clicking. In addition, I gained experience shooting school year book portraits and sporting events from my mentor Benjamin Smith. He taught me lighting setups for shooting portraits. From him I learned darkroom practices like dodging and burning, image cropping and advance film processing techniques. After Vietnam, I ventured into color wedding photography and many years later transitioned from film to digital. Shortly after the transition to digital my interest shifted to nature photography. The majority of my work now is nature and still life photography. I enjoy being out in nature and embracing the beauty of what I see.
Library: Yorktown Library    Map
Location: Auditorium
Contact: York County Public Library
Contact Number: 757-890-5207
Presenter: Rick Hopson, Wildlife and Nature Photographer