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Creation Station - Yorktown

Event Type: Childrens Program
Age Group(s): Grades K-5
Date: 4/11/2023
Start Time: 4:30 PM
End Time: 5:30 PM
 Every month there will be two creative craft hour sessions for all children in grades K-5. Both sessions will have the same crafts, so please register for only one of the two sessions. The first session will be held at Yorktown and the second session will be at Tabb. This month’s theme : Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Please register as a family. If you are registering more than one child, please register one child as the attendee. Then let us know how many children in your family, including the attendee, will be participating. List the names of additional children in the notes section. Parents and guardians are encouraged to remain with the children during the program.

Library: Yorktown Library    Map
Location: Auditorium
Contact: Youth Services
Contact Number: 757-890-3236
Link: York County Public Library
Status: We're sorry. This event is currently full.
Please Note
  • Attendee must be between the grades of K and Fifth Grade.

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