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Meditation Series

Event Type: Adult Program
Age Group(s): Adult
Date: 4/26/2023
Start Time: 6:30 PM
End Time: 7:45 PM
 Establish or deepen your mindfulness and meditation practice in a supportive small group setting. Each week has a brief talk on a particular topic and a longer, lightly guided meditation related to the topic. Instruction and guidance on foundational mindfulness and meditation practices is incorporated.

Planned topics:
January: Stress and Anxiety
February: Impermanence
March: Desire (craving, wanting) and Aversion
April: Grief and Loss
May: Gratitude and Generosity

*Note: Topics are subject to change based on participant needs

Teacher: Melissa McGill, Ed.D., certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, E-RYT200

Registration encouraged but not required. Registering only saves a spot in the current month's session.

Questions? Email or call 757-890-5120.
Library: Tabb Library    Map
Location: Tabb Meeting Room
Contact: York County Public Library
Contact Number: 757-890-5120
Presenter: Melissa McGill
Status: Closed

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